University of Texas at El Paso

Who was the client?

For this campaign I worked with the UTEP Spirit department. 


What did the client request?

This was an initiative to call out and recruit students that may be interested in joining the UTEP Dance team. The campaign called for on-campus signage, postcards, and social media graphics.

Concept and design process:

This was a pretty straightforward design and concept, the main idea was to use color and fun imagery to grab the attention of students seeing or receiving a postcard.   


Guidelines Followed:

  • Use University of Texas at El Paso fonts and color palette. 
  • Include UTEP Spirit members.


University of Texas at El Paso

What is DVAM?

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is held every October to connect with the public, advocates, and survivors, in order to raise awareness about the signs of abuse and the ways to stop it.


Who was the client?

For this campaign I also worked with the UTEP Campus Advocacy Resources and Education department or CARE. 


What did the client request?

Similarly to SAAM the client wanted a full packet of deliverables to use around campus. The purpose of this was to spread awareness of events held throughout October and to identify resources provided by CARE. 

Concept and design process:

The slogan used that year was “Your Voice Matters”. I wanted to convey that message in a fun and colorful way. I used the image of a megaphone to illustrate that using your voice is one of the strongest tools against domestic violence and abuse.  


Guidelines Followed:

  • Use DVAM official purple color prominently on products.
  • Use University of Texas at El Paso fonts. 
  • Make it friendly and approachable for students.


University of Texas at El Paso

Who was the client?

The UTEP Military Student Success Center. 


What did the client request?

This client requested large roll-up and A-frame banners to place around campus as well as inside their department to bring attention to the information and resources provided on the MSSC website.  

Concept and design process:

I really wanted to implement large text and contrasting colors to make the signs easy to read from a distance. I also wanted to make it apparent from first glance that the messaging on the signs was meant for military students. I used images of uniformed students to achieve this.    


Guidelines Followed:

  • Use University of Texas at El Paso fonts and color palette. 
  • Include military themes.


University of Texas at El Paso

What is SAAM?

Sexual Assault Awareness Month is a national public awareness campaign that takes place in April. It is a time for advocates, survivors, and the community to come together and increase knowledge and awareness to prevent sexual violence. 


Who was the client?

For this campaign I worked with the UTEP Campus Advocacy Resources and Education department or CARE. 


What did the client request?

A full packet of print and digital deliverables as well as handouts for events such as shirts, buttons, and bookmarks. The purpose of this was to spread campus awareness of events held throughout the month of April and to identify resources provided by CARE. 

Thought process:

The main message for SAAM was the concept of consent. I used conversation bubbles and stylized the tagline “I ask, we ask, you ask” to convey conversation as the first step towards consent. 


Guidelines Followed:

  • Use SAAM official teal color prominently on products.
  • Use University of Texas at El Paso color palette and fonts. 
  • Make it approachable for students.


University of Texas at El Paso

What is Ability Awareness Week?

Ability Awareness Week is an annual event that raises awareness around the needs of individuals with disabilities and brings knowledge and understanding of the valuable resources available to students, faculty, and the community.


Who was the client?

For this campaign I worked with the UTEP Center for Accommodations and Support Services department. 


What did the client request?

The client wanted signage to use around campus, as well as digital and print graphics to use on socials and on the UTEP Prospector news article. This was for the purpose of raising awareness about the event and the department itself. 

Concept and design process:

For this campaign the individuals used in the photos were the main focus. I used photos instead of vector work so that viewers of the marketing material could relate to the individuals depicted and develop a more personal connection.    


Guidelines Followed:

  • Use University of Texas at El Paso fonts and color palette. 
  • Make it inclusive and relatable for viewers.